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The Average Cost of Replacing Different Car Keys

Car keys have the cunning behavior of getting lost under mysterious circumstances. In the 80s, losing car keys wasn't as consequential as today. Most cars were fitted with basic car keys that could easily be cut in a hardware shop.

Today, advancement in technology has made it hard to steal cars, but car owners part with an extra cost of car key replacement. Here is the average cost for different types of car key replacements. Further facts about Kansas City, MO can be found here.

Traditional keys and fobs

They are the most economical to replace. The cost of replacing a basic key or fob can range from $50 to $100. The cost might increase with the complexity of the situation and the car model. Information about How to Make Car Key Replacement Economical can be found here.

Transponder keys

A transponder key is an anti-theft device that emits a signal upon detecting a wrong signal. Transponder keys are programmed before they can start a vehicle. Their price might vary depending on the car model. However, locksmiths can replace transponders with $30 less than car dealers.

Laser-cut keys

Laser-cut keys are thicker than basic keys with fewer carved grooves. Multipurpose laser-cut keys are popular today. These keys are costly to replace. Dealers might charge $150 to $250 to replace them.

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